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Beginning with Rod Lewis’ first investments in Webb and La Salle Counties, Lewis Energy has been operating in South Texas for more than 35 years.  Starting in the tight gas sands of the Olmos and Escondido formations, Lewis Energy has continued to expand and has been involved in exploring and producing natural gas from numerous hydrocarbon-bearing geologic formations all across South Texas.  Lewis’ current domestic footprint extends across large segments of Webb, La Salle, Dimmitt, and McMullen Counties, one of the most prolific areas of the Eagle Ford Shale.  Lewis operates more than 1,800 wells domestically, and continues to develop the vast natural resources in South Texas. In addition to upstream oil and gas, Lewis Energy has expanded its operations betmgm online live dealer gameto include oilfield services and midstream gathering businesses. Our vertical integration model allows us to produce oil & gas at the lowest cost by leveraging our expertise and size.

From our beginning with a handful of wells to now being one of the largest natural gas producers for the state of Texas, Lewis Energy continues to lead the way in developing South Texas Natural Gas Assets.

By leveraging our hometown experience and steadfast ongoing operations, we have built a one-of-a-kind asset base and a world-class team.

Vital to the World's Energy Supply

The natural gas industry is a critical aspect of the U.S. economy.  Available to all segments of the country, it is the cleanest, safest, and most useful of all energy resources. Natural gas not only provides valuable fuel to our economy; it is a vital component to the world’s energy supply.

Natural Gas is the Fuel of Choice, Throughout the World

After more than 150 years, the natural gas industry betmgm online live dealer gamecontinues to grow. Deregulation and the demand for cleaner burning fuels have produced a tremendous world market for natural gas. The industry continues to create new technologies for recovering natural gas, as well as finding new way s for people to enjoy its advantages. Today, natural gas is clearly the world’s fuel of choice. More importantly, it is the future of clean energy here at home and around the world.

Where Natural Gas Originates

Like oil and coal, natural gas is a fossil fuel. All these fuels are, essentially, the remains of plants and animals and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago. Unlike other fossil fuels, however, natural gas is colorless, shapeless, and odorless in its pure form. More importantly, it is clean burning and emits lower levels of potentially harmful byproducts into the air.​

The Beginning of the Natural Gas Industry

In 1821, the first well specifically intended to obtain natural gas was dug in Fredonia, New York. After noticing gas BetMGM Online Live Casinobubbles rising to the surface of a creek, William Hart dug a 27-foot well to achieve a larger flow of gas to the surface. Thus, Hart is regarded by many as the ‘father of natural gas’ in America. In 1859, in Pennsylvania, Colonel Edwin Drake dug the first prototypical well. Drake hit oil and natural gas at 69 feet below the surface of the earth.​

Where and How We Get Natural Gas

Natural gas is found in reservoirs beneath the earth. Using sophisticated technology , production companies, like Lewis Energy, search for evidence of these natural gas reservoirs. Wells are drilled to the identified reservoir, where the gas is extracted and then refined to remove impurities. The clean natural gas is then transmitted through a network of pipelines and delivered to its point of use.​

Building a Natural Gas Infrastructure

Until the 1940s, there was no pipeline infrastructure, so natural gas was used almost exclusively as a source of light. After World War II, technological betmgm online casino reviewsadvances allowed for the construction of reliable pipelines. Once the transportation challenge was met, new uses for natural gas were discovered. These included home heating and appliance operations—not to mention the use of natural gas in manufacturing and processing plants. Today, natural gas has endless uses on many levels from home heating and appliance operations, to manufacturing and processing plants.​

The Evolution of Natural Gas Technology

Like oil and coal, natural gas is a fossil fuel. All these fuels are essentially, the remains of plants and animals and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago. Unlike other fossil fuels, however, natural gas is colorless, shapeless, and odorless in its pure form. More importantly, it is clean burning and emits lower levels of potentially harmful byproducts into the air. Over the years, innovative technologies have made natural gas easier to locate and produce. At the same time, these new technologies have reduced the impact exploration and production have on the environment. Today, industry technology allows for more efficient natural gas recovery, cleaner operations and much smaller drilling footprints.​

Natural Gas and the Environment

Natural gas is a vital source of energy for reducing pollution and maintaining a clean and healthy environment. It is a clean burning BetMGM Online Live Casinofuel, emitting fewer pollutants into the atmosphere.

Health and Safety

Our team has deep roots in South Texas and the communities we work in and is committed to protecting the health and safety of our team and our neighbors in everything we do.