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In 2004, Lewis Energy Mexico (LEM) signed a Public Works Contract with PEMEX and began a project drilling, completing, and producing wells on an 88,000-acre contract BetMGM Online Live Casinoarea across the Rio Grande River from Lewis’ South Texas Operation, called the “Olmos Block”. LEM has drilled 17 wells in various formations and in 2010 became the first company to drill and complete an Eagle Ford well in Mexico on behalf of PEMEX, resulting in a discovery of two new Eagle Ford fields. In 2018, LEM and PEMEX migrated the initial BetMGM Online Live Casinocontract to a new contract model and agreed on an Eagle Ford exploration and development program that will soon begin.


Lewis Energy Colombia (LEC) has been investing in Colombia since 2003 and has been a qualified operator in Colombia since 2007. The focus of the company is on gas production on the north coast of Colombia. LEC operates fields in the Sinu San BetMGM Online BettingJacinto foldbelt and in the Llanos Basin. Presently LEC has an acreage position in Colombia exceeding 360,000 gross acres. The company is actively developing multiple formations on the north coast taking advantage of its strategically located infrastructure near major gas markets. ​